Rose Red
These Girls Ain't Loyal
While taking a stroll in the park I noticed Rose Red taking a break on a bench. Her short shorts and bright top caught my attention immediately. While shooting the shit we talked about how her job sucks and doesn't pay her enough to live so I offered her some quick cash to take some pics for me. She shot me down right away - a first - but I kept pushing until this fire redhead agreed to let me snap some flicks. I asked her if she would let me take some nudes and she was all about her boyfriend but when I offered her $450 it was all - boyfriend who?! This girl has one of the FATTEST asses I've ever seen and I had to pipe! Lucky for me, Rose was down to do almost anything for some cash. I took this thick little freak back to my place and destroyed her pussy! Fucking Rose from behind and hearing her groan is something that will stay with me forever and the load I left on her ass and back will stay with her for sure. HAHAHA - boyfriend shmoyfriend.
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